After three weeks away on the East Coast with no computer access and occasional cell service (I love Vermont!), I'm back home and sewing my butt off! A three week hiatus from Orange Fishy, although refreshing, wasn't fiscally wise. Ah well, back to work...
The weather is still sunny and warm but I've begun to pull out the fleece, flannel and wool from my storage bins. I had forgotten how fabulous fleece can be! I experimented with needle-felting wool onto fleece and flannel. Not only does it work, it's machine washable if felted well and looks great. Go ahead, crafty kids, give it a try!
I've also made a new baby and toddler winter hat pattern and the sample is super cute - if I do say so my self. ;) I'm so pleased with the hat that I might have to make it in kid and adult sizes. I know, I know...I need to find the time to snap a pic of that baby so you can see what I'm talking about. It'll happen. At some point. :)
So, all three of you reading this, what should Orange Fishy dive into next? I'll be fleshing out the line with full length capes for the younger gals and I'd like to resurrect spa shoes (mighty cute, super soft slippers asian inspired slippers). Mittens are on the docket as well. What else?
Well, I'm off to get a good night's sleep so I can dive into market preparations tomorrow. Some summer stuff going on sale to make room for fall and winter items. Only so much room in storage. Until next time...
-Mama Fishy
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